Zeynep Dereli graduated from Princeton University, majoring in Mathematics and Economics with a certificate in Near Eastern Studies, after graduating from Üsküdar American High School. Subsequently Dereli received a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from SOAS University of London. Zeynep Dereli is the founding partner and CEO of TINK, the first and only vocational high school chain in Turkey that focuses on information technologies.

After a brief period in banking at the beginning of her career, Dereli became a member of the risk analysis, research and legislative alignment teams in Shell Trading and Shipping in London. Upon returning to Turkey she worked as a financial analyst and supply analyst in Shell Turkey. Dereli then joined the Mergers and Acquisition team of Dundas & Ünlü Menkul Kıymetler (Asset Management). She was APCO Worldwide’s General Manager for the Istanbul office until 2016.

Besides her professional life Zeynep Dereli has taken part in many civil society duties. While consulting the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Dereli has been the Director of the Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum organized by the Atlantic Council, a Board Member of the Mediterranean Conservation Society, the General Coordinator Turkish Political Forum – an Istanbul based think tank, and the Vice President of TEDMER (the Turkish Ethical Values Center). Dereli was selected for the American Turkish Society’s Young Society Leaders Group in 2012, she is among the founders of the civil society institution DRUM (Dialogues, Respect, Understanding through Music) and Turkye Endevor. She is also a Board Member of the Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Zeynep Dereli is married with two children.