Accountability & Transparency




No-transfer of Responsibilities

All of our actions are based on internationally accepted contracts that are designed in between we and our client. We adopt international and domestic legislation and regulation against corruption and fraud. We assure that none of our actions includes deriving an improper benefit or an unjust advantage to our customers.

All the analysis and preparations are made for the exclusive use of our client and those studies are not based on quotations, designed and drafted from the scratch and we transfer all the copyrights to its esteemed customers in the end of the process.

Aligned with its true nature, we adopt confidentiality as a core principle for all managerial, fiscal, judicial and financial information of our customers. We also keep all the records safe and hide all related documents as a trusted partner for a certain period of time even the contractual periods come to an end.

All the actions of Invist on behalf of its clients reflect a true solution-partnership in collaboration with the customer. We never take any action without informing its client and none of our actions are designed irrespective of our customer’s perspective and understanding of the market.

We never transfer any responsibility even though some services (such as logistics support and arrangements) are partially outsourced. We assume all the responsibilities arising from the action listing in the contracts.